turner 110221SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) held a press conference Tuesday morning to celebrate the passage of a measure to extend the Enos Park Tax Increment Financing District for another 12 years.

“The Enos Park TIF has been instrumental in revitalizing a Springfield neighborhood and has been a great tool in the expansion of the Mid-Illinois Medical District,” Turner said “Neighborhoods that were once an eyesore and full of blight and despair are now home to young families and home rehabilitation success stories.”

The press conference was held at Memorial Health Learning Center in Springfield. Turner was joined by Mayor Jim Langfelder, Sangamon County Treasurer Joe Aiello, Representative Sue Scherer (D-Decatur), Alderwoman Lakeisha Purchase and Memorial Health President and CEO Ed Curtis.

The newly built YMCA on Carpenter Street is an example of the success the TIF district has brought to the community.

Senate Bill 1139 passed both chambers of the General Assembly during fall session and now awaits final approval from the governor.


Photo: Left to right: Memorial Health President and CEO Ed Curtis, Sangamon County Treasurer Joe Aiello, State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield), Representative Sue Scherer (D-Decatur), Alderwoman Lakeisha Purchase and Mayor Jim Langfelder at the press conference.