
SPRINGFIELD – To more accurately represent public health, State Senator Mike Simmons passed legislation through the Senate Public Health Committee and Senate, successively, to amend the title of the “Illinois Sexually Transmissible Disease Control Act,” to be the “Illinois Sexually Transmitted Infection Control Act.” Additionally, the Act will include human papillomavirus and mpox within the updated definition of sexually transmitted infections.

“The need to update language in this legislation reflects a growing and more inclusive understanding of sexual health,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “Our legislation should be both scientifically accurate and free from stigmas.”

Simmons’ measure – Senate Bill 3784 – takes a critical step in de-stigmatizing sexual health. Senate Bill 3784 changes language updating "sexually transmissible diseases'' to "sexually transmitted infections.” This change reflects a broader perspective that considers both medical and social aspects of these conditions. Additionally, Senate Bill 3784 will include HPV and mpox in the definition of STIs.

“I am dedicated to ensuring that our legislative framework reflects medical advancements, and is both accurate and respectful,” said Simmons. “Clearly defining sexual health reduces the stigma of seeking care and in turn improves health outcomes. No one should feel ashamed to seek health care for any issue.”

Senate Bill 3784 passed the Senate. It now heads to the House for further consideration.
