simmons 071923WASHINGTON, D.C. – State Senator Mike Simmons traveled to the White House on Wednesday morning to meet with the Biden-Harris Administration and state leaders from across the country to discuss action that can be taken to increase access to high quality, affordable child care for working families.

“I grew up in a household where I saw firsthand the struggle single moms go through to ensure their kids are cared for while they work and attend school to advance their careers,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “In my people’s legislative council for single moms from my district, our 7th district moms talked openly about how hard it is for them to find good child care that they can afford and rely on. They also talked about the need for paid time off to tend to their children’s needs.” 

“I am proud of the work that’s being done in Illinois, including co-leading the fight to create a permanent child tax credit for Illinois parents and reimbursing parents who’ve had their SNAP benefits stolen. I am thrilled to meet with the White House and legislative colleagues from around the country to brainstorm legislative proposals and underscore the critical role of child care to community well-being. This is hugely important work for the humanity of children, moms and dads, extended families, and caregivers. Providing high quality, affordable child care is the right move to support a strong local economy and build strong communities.”

Simmons joined senior White House officials, as well as state leaders and legislators from across the country to discuss policies that support the affordability, quality, and supply of child care. Simmons has been a fierce champion for working families with a track record of fighting for a permanent state-level child tax credit, and successfully advocating for the recently enacted paid leave policy for working-class families. The Biden-Harris Administration has long highlighted the need for a better approach to child care, and the president’s budget reaffirmed his commitment to transforming child care and reducing child care costs for working families.

“Child care is critical for families’ financial stability and for the sustainability of the country’s economy,” Simmons said. “Even when families are able to find child care, it is often not affordable. We must provide our families with solutions at all levels of government to ensure that now, and for generations to come, families live abundant lives, free from the stress of the inability to afford one of their most basic expenses.”

The White House States Convening on Child Care took place Wednesday, July 19.