Sen. Mike Simmons

SPRINGFIELD – To support returning citizens with outstanding fees, State Senator Mike Simmons presented legislation to the Senate Special Committee on Criminal Law and Public Safety on Thursday.

“I am dedicated to serving all 7th District constituents, which includes returning citizens,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “Senate Bill 2175 provides a returning citizen with the opportunity and time to establish stability in their life and take care of basic human needs, such as finding gainful employment, housing and healthcare before owing fees from prior criminal proceedings.”

Senate Bill 2175 prohibits courts from ordering the payment of outstanding fees, fines, taxes or any costs arising from criminal proceedings for the first year after a person returns from incarceration. Currently, Illinois does not have a law striking fees for a certain amount of days post-confinement. However, under the Unified Code of Corrections, the court may revoke a fine if good cause is shown.

“This legislation will address a cruel cycle where returning citizens are expected to start over, but already have the cards stacked against them. Successful rehabilitation means giving returning citizens practical support as they reintegrate into the community,” Simmons said. “This bill does not erase fees, but rather provides a reasonable amount of time so they can get back on their feet.”

Senate Bill 2175 passed out of the Senate Special Committee on Criminal Law and Public Safety on Thursday.