032822CM0282 simmons


SPRINGFIELD – To improve the quality of life for residents residing in state-funded affordable housing, State Senator Mike Simmons advanced legislation out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

“It is a basic human right to live in an environment that is safe, accessible, clean, and provided with proper heating and cooling systems,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “This bill is directed at State-funded affordable housing facilities, requiring them to provide safe and responsive air conditioning and heating for residents, working laundry machines and other basic maintenance provisions.”

The bill is in response to three residents of a Rogers Park senior living complex who died of suspected heat exhaustion last May. Senate Bill 2013 requires any residential building that is financed under the Illinois Affordable Housing Program to meet minimum standard of living conditions to continue receiving funding from the program.

This legislation would require specific air conditioning and heating provisions to be included in all affordable housing and clarifies language with maintenance, upkeep and laundry. 

“Residents of affordable housing should get the same respect and care afforded to everyone,” Simmons said. “It was a senseless  and unspeakable tragedy for our community to lose three of our beloved seniors last year, and this bill will help ensure safer and more humane housing for countless of our neighbors both in the 7th district and across the state.”

Senate Bill 2013 passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday and now heads to the Senate floor.
