simmons 052021CHICAGO – With the intention to understand the concerns and needs of community members, and to proactively connect his constituents to state resources, State Senator Mike Simmons visited the Budlong Woods neighborhood this past Saturday knocking on doors and introducing residents to state resources and meeting those residents face-to-face. 

“Meeting residents in-person, where they’re at, encourages them to voice their concerns and needs in an informal way,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “Engaging with the community in their neighborhoods helps to ensure they feel seen, heard, respected, and helped.”

During the day, Simmons addressed topics such as property taxes, commercial and residential development, recent gun violence, and small businesses. Simmons grew up in the Budlong Woods neighborhood and was able to connect with long-time residents as well as introduce himself to the new families along Farragut Avenue. He also handed out flyers with state-level resources including services his district office offers. 

“It was cathartic to meet with families one-on-one this past weekend in Budlong Woods, which is located in Lincoln Square, the area where I grew up and where my family racially integrated the neighborhood in the early 1980s,” Simmons said. “As my team and I talked to our neighbors, many being long-time residents, I felt a sense of pride and responsibility in helping to lift up the needs of households in the area." 

If residents have questions about the next opportunity to meet him in the neighborhood, or would like information about local resources, Simmons urges them to contact his office at 773-769-1717.