simmons 102621SPRINGFIELD – Gov. JB Pritzker gave his annual Budget and State of the State addresses Wednesday, after which State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Chicago) issued the following statement:

“I am pleased to see that this budget proposal recommends $70 million in appropriations for the new 9-8-8 hotline crisis response services for our neighbors who are living with chronic mental health challenges. This is one piece of a larger set of systemic changes that must take place soon to address the unprecedented toll on mental health caused in part by the pandemic and by chronic economic injustice and violence.”


“It’s also reassuring to see that the budget provides $240 million for violence prevention through the Reimagine Public Safety Act.  Proactive community-led public safety strategies are being deployed by grassroots organizations within the district I represent, however we need to dramatically increase the funding available for these proven programs to scale up violence reduction efforts in my district and across the state. I am also happy to see that this budget will fund the Office of Firearm Violence Prevention so that we can get guns off our streets and save lives.”


“Our constituents deserve much needed economic relief from the hardships of the past two years.  I am proud to highlight the one-year holiday from sales taxes on groceries as part of the Illinois Family Relief Plan in the Governor’s proposed budget. Yet, this relief should go a lot further.”

“That is why I introduced Senate Bill 2132 to establish a $600 tax credit for single parents and working families who struggle to survive below the median income line and who have carried the brunt of economic trauma from the pandemic. I will continue to push for more relief, especially for our single parents, through the child tax credit and the Single Parents Bill of Rights, Senate Bill 4040.” 

“I appreciate the appropriations from the Governor’s office and I look forward to continuing to negotiate these measures, which I believe are absolutely essential for the people of Illinois.”