simmons 102621SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Senate approved a measure co-sponsored by State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Chicago) that preserves reproductive health rights and bodily autonomy for young people, especially young women, in Illinois.

“Today we are removing a systemic barrier to reproductive health care for young people,” Simmons said. “Systemic issues require systemic action, and the measure we passed today is a decisive step forward in ensuring reproductive rights and health equity in Illinois and protecting bodily autonomy consistent with the protections guaranteed by the Roe v. Wade decision.”

Simmons is a chief co-sponsor of House Bill 370, the Youth Health and Safety Act. It would repeal the Parental Notification of Abortion Act, which currently requires minors seeking abortions to inform their parent or legal guardian 48 hours prior to receiving the procedure.

“Public laws that leave systemic barriers in place for those seeking reproductive health care should be eliminated, especially with some states like Texas passing laws to make it nearly impossible,” Simmons said.

Simmons praised the legislation’s establishment of the Youth Health and Safety Advisory Working Group, which will feature youth on the panel and review existing and needed laws and regulations that impact pregnant and parenting youth.

“There is a need for greater resources and education so young girls feel supported and know where to turn if they become pregnant,” Simmons said. “By providing education and resources up front, we are setting them – and their future families – up for success.”

The measure passed the state Senate Tuesday and now heads to the House of Representatives for further consideration.