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SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Karina Villa advanced a measure that would amend the Adult Protective Services Act to include that any person may report information about a suspicious death of an older adult. This legislation passed out of the Senate Public Health Committee Tuesday. 

“According to the World Health Organization, around one in six people 60 years and older experience some form of abuse in community settings,” said Villa (D-West Chicago). “However, a lot of these cases of abuse go unreported. This legislation will help people feel like they can speak more freely when they witness something wrong.”

Current law allows any person who suspects abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of an eligible adult to make a report to the Department of Aging. This legislation would add a suspicious death to the list of reportable items. If the person making the report is a mandated reporter, they are required to testify in any subsequent administrative hearings. It also provides that a probate court can access records for a confidential inspection of the records.

“If you believe that a senior you know is being abused, you can call the 24-hour Illinois Elder Abuse Hotline at 866-800-1409,” Villa said.

Senate Bill 1826 passed out of the Senate Public Health Committee on Tuesday and now heads to the Senate floor.
