mlc 032124SPRINGFIELD – In an effort to bring equity to funding for special education students, State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel passed a measure through the Senate Education Committee that would create a fair reimbursement rate for special education day schools.

“Since I became a state senator, I’ve been working to level the playing field to ensure our students get a quality education in the least restrictive environment,” said Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood). “We have to ensure every child receives the education they deserve, no matter their ZIP code.”

Senate Bill 3606 would equalize the reimbursement rate received by public school districts from the Illinois State Board of Education when sending high-needs special education students to private and public special education day schools.

Under Loughran Cappel’s measure, public schools would be eligible to receive a reimbursement from ISBE for tuition costs for high-needs special education students that exceed the average cost for students not receiving special education services.

“Special education schools prioritize students by giving them the resources and tools they need to thrive,” said Loughran Cappel. “Some students have additional needs, which increase the costs for the school. This is an effort to achieve equitable funding for our special needs students across the state.”

Senate Bill 3606 passed the Senate Education Committee on Wednesday.