mlc 052522SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel spearheaded a measure to add a council within the Children’s Mental Health Partnership in Illinois that was signed into law Wednesday.

“Many parents of children with mental disabilities need to reach out to agencies for support or information,” said Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood). “Agencies that work with children with mental disabilities deserve the opportunity to collaborate, so that the process is more accessible to parents.” 

Loughran Cappel worked directly with a concerned constituent who was struggling with this issue to craft the legislation. Under the new law, the council will look for ways to expand the available beds in the state, make it easier for out-of-state residential facilities to be approved by the Illinois State Board of Education, and offer recommendations on how the state can provide better support for children with mental health issues in an annual report to the governor and General Assembly.

“With low residential placements for children with behavioral and mental disabilities, children are often left staying in the emergency room or at home where their safety could be at risk,” said Loughran Cappel. “This new law will give the council an opportunity to address the difficulties that so many individuals and their families are facing around the state.”

The law, originally Senate Bill 3889, takes effect immediately.