Senator Loughran Cappel 5 10 22


SPRINGFIELD – Two new measures were recently signed into law to provide greater support for law enforcement agencies to hire and retain officers. Both laws were backed by State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel.

“Our law enforcement officers selflessly protect our communities and keep us safe in the face of danger,” said Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood). “This new law will offer additional support to recruit the next generation of police officers.”

Loughran Cappel advocated for House Bill 3863, which creates the Law Enforcement Recruitment and Retention Fund to support departments through the hiring and training processes and help with retention strategies.

The measure will provide grants to law enforcement agencies for hiring and retention of officers. Funds could also be used for mental health care for officers, safety equipment and training, or improvements in jails. Mental health services for inmates could also be funded through this grant.

Loughran Cappel also co-sponsored a number of other measures aimed at providing relief and assistance to law enforcement officers, including House Bill 1568, designed to give the Illinois State Police an influx of money to recruit new cadets at Illinois Universities.

Additionally, the law lowers the retirement age for eligible state law enforcement employees from 60 to 55. This puts Illinois State Troopers in parity with local and county police departments’ retirement age.

“These efforts support the work that our law enforcement officers do in our communities each and every day,” said Loughran Cappel. “I’m pleased to see these measures signed into law and, I know they will ultimately help make our communities safer.”

Both laws take effect immediately.

