
CHICAGO – Insurers will be required to inform policyholders whether health care providers offer telehealth or telemedicine and how they’ll accommodate a family caregiver under a new law signed by Gov. Pritzker today, the result of legislation by State Senator Jacqueline Collins (D-Chicago).

“The shift to telehealth during the pandemic has actually been something of an upside for patients who struggle with mobility challenges or a lack of ready access to transportation,” Collins said. “This law acknowledges that this is a new normal, and that patients need to be informed of their options as they determine their coverage. I want to thank Gov. Pritzker for signing this into law today.”

Senate Bill 332 also requires insurance providers to detail whether a health care provider has the ability and willingness to include a family caregiver who is in a different location than the patient in a telehealth or telemedicine encounter.

The legislation is effective immediately.