pexels andrea piacquadio 845451CHICAGO – The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity awarded business assistance grants last week, and State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) is hopeful this will help local businesses in need of a financial boost.

“It breaks my heart that business owners are still fighting this virus, physically and economically,” Hunter said. “I hope these grants provide some sort of relief. I will continue to advocate for financial support programs for businesses for as long as they are in need.”

Over 40 businesses in the 3rd District received between $5,000 and $150,000 in grants, totaling over $1 million. Funds can be used to help cover the costs of payroll, rent, utilities and other working capital during the time they have experienced interruptions due to the pandemic.

The BIG program is the largest state-run economic support program formed in response to the financial losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, with $220 million available in total in the current round. Applications will remain open until all of the funding is spent.

Eligible businesses can apply here.