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HB 572 works to stop predatory contract loan practice in pet stores; HB 168 addresses animal cruelty in public housing

SPRINGFIELD – A longtime animal rights advocate in the Illinois State Senate, Senate Assistant Majority Leader Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) had two of her new laws highlighted in the Illinois Senate Democrats’ annual feature on top new laws.

HB 572 prohibits the predatory lending practice by pet stores who charge high lending rates for customers purchasing high priced pets on credit.  Pet stores in Illinois who offer installment contract loans for the purchase of a cat or dog may no longer offer that service.

“This is predatory lending with interest rates anywhere from 30 to 150% and higher,” Holmes said. “Often, pet stores source their animals from unprincipled breeders and puppy mills – some in poor condition – so these consumers can end up thousands of dollars in debt and grieving as well.”

“We applaud Senator Holmes and the vast majority of Illinois lawmakers who supported this bill which helps both animals and families that are looking to acquire a new dog or cat,” Marc Ayers, Illinois Director for The Humane Society of the U.S., said. “Responsible practices can keep pet stores in business and encourage adoption of so many animals in shelters that need good homes.”

In Holmes’ other featured new law, an animal abuser no longer has a place in a home with animals. HB 168 also took effect Jan. 1, allowing a court to prohibit an animal abuser from owning or living with others who own animals.

“Repeated animal cruelty needs an intervention to keep offenders from potential new victims,” Holmes said. “Preventing future cruelty to animals can help save local agencies’ and shelters’ resources. This is a positive solution to a challenging issue.”

Click here to learn more about Holmes’ new laws highlighted in the feature.

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