isp traffic stop

CICERO — Senate Transportation Chairman, Martin A. Sandoval (D-Chicago) championed a new law to protect police and first responders on Illinois’ roadways. Sandoval’s measure, Senate Bill 1862, institutes stronger regulations to prevent senseless tragedies.

“Our officers put their lives on the line every day to keep communities across Illinois safe,” Sandoval said. “We can’t bring back the brave heroes we have lost this year, but we can work to ensure this does not happen to another fellow officer. This new law will help protect the people who work tirelessly to make our state a better place.”

Senate Bill 1862 takes the following steps to strengthen Scott’s Law:

  • Increases the minimum fine for a Scott’s Law violation without damage or injury from $100 to $500
  • Makes a Scott’s Law violation that results in damage to a vehicle a Class A Misdemeanor
  • A violation that results in injury or death would be a Class 4 Felony
  • Increases the penalty for a reckless homicide conviction based on a violation of Scott’s Law that results in the death of a firefighter or emergency medical services personnel to a Class 2 felony from a Class 3 felony

The number of troopers hit by vehicles has drastically increased this year, with Troopers Christopher Lambert, Brooke Jones-Story, and Gerald Ellis killed in the line of duty while their patrol vehicles were stalled on the side of the road. Sandoval believes this new law will reinforce the state’s commitment to support Illinois law enforcement and emergency responders.

“This new law will educate drivers and reinforce responsible driving practices,” Sandoval said. “It’s vital that we stay alert while driving. One wrong move can cost lives.”

Senate Bill 1862 passed the General Assembly with unanimous support. The new law was signed on Tuesday and goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2020.