SPRINGFIELD — Former U.S. Attorney Zachary Fardon has been named to the search committee for a new Illinois Legislative Inspector General by Senate President Don Harmon.
Fardon is arguably best known for his tenure as U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, where he oversaw prosecution in areas of corporate misconduct, health care and securities fraud, public corruption, gangs, terrorism and other criminal and civil matters.
He was part of the federal prosecution trial team that won a conviction against former Illinois Gov. George Ryan.
Read more: Corruption-busting U.S. Attorney is Harmon’s pick for inspector general search panel
SPRINGFIELD — A measure sponsored by Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) to provide greater continuity of support for students from kindergarten through graduation is now law.
The new law allows elementary and high school districts with overlapping boundaries to share student information and records as long as there is an intergovernmental agreement in place.
“The inability of districts like Oak Park Elementary School District 97 to share this data has led to gaps in understanding of what works best for students,” Harmon said. “This law will help teachers, counselors and social workers meet the needs of the children they serve.”
Read more: New Harmon law allows school districts with overlapping boundaries to share student data
SPRINGFIELD – For the second time this month – and the first time in 20 years – Illinois’ General Obligation bond rating has received upgrades from two of the nation’s primary credit rating agencies – a move Senate President Don Harmon calls a result of stability and responsibility.
“This is further proof we are on the right track in balancing our fiscal realities with the real-world needs of working men and women,” said Harmon (D-Oak Park). We are moving Illinois forward by paying our debts while at the same time investing in education, health care, child care and other key programs people need to get ahead.”
The latest upgrade comes from S&P Global Ratings, which comes as the state trimmed down its bill backlog from $16.7 billion to $2.9 billion in a course of just a few years.
Read more: Illinois’s bond rating receives second upgrade this month
SPRINGFIELD – Following the success of a law to provide more efficient ways for people to cast their ballot from home during the peak of the pandemic, a new proposal to make voting by mail permanently more accessible was signed into law.
“This keeps in place a number of voter conveniences that have proven popular,” said Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park). “It’s a great example of lawmakers listening to the diverse voices of voters and taking steps to maintain and encourage voter participation.”
Read more: New election law signed to encourage more voters to participate
SPRINGFIELD — Illinois Senate President Don Harmon announced Friday he has asked colleagues to negotiate compromise legislation to transition Chicago Public Schools to a fully elected school board.
Here is President Harmon’s statement:
“I am fully committed to passing legislation this year to move to an elected, representative Chicago school board.
In order to set this in motion, I have asked the sponsors of the key proposals to sit down and come up with a plan that will guide this transition to a new era of leadership at Chicago Public Schools.
Read more: Harmon sets up talks on transitioning to fully elected Chicago school board
SPRINGFIELD — Senate President Don Harmon issued the following statement regarding the Derek Chauvin verdict.
“George Floyd’s murder reignited the fight for justice across this country in the never-ending hope that someday justice might be found.
This verdict will not undo the tragedy and suffering.
But it should serve as a historic marker in our ongoing work to build a just and equal society.”
SPRINGFIELD – Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) issued the following statement after Chicago police released body camera footage of police fatally shooting 13-year-old Adam Toledo:
“Everything about Adam’s death is horrifying. As a parent, I can’t imagine having to watch a video like this. This has to stop.”
Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) and other members of the Senate Democratic Caucus welcomed news of expanded COVID-19 vaccine access and plans to reopen the state’s economy.
“We’ve made it to this point thanks to modern science and the personal sacrifices of people all across this state,” Harmon said. “You’ve followed the rules and kept each other safe until a vaccine was widely available. Thank you. I urge everyone to remain patient and vigilant as we head into what is hopefully the final phase of this horrible pandemic.”
Read more: Expanded vaccine access and better defined path to reopening coming to Illinois
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