elem school 090721SPRINGFIELD — A measure sponsored by Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) to provide greater continuity of support for students from kindergarten through graduation is now law.

The new law allows elementary and high school districts with overlapping boundaries to share student information and records as long as there is an intergovernmental agreement in place.

“The inability of districts like Oak Park Elementary School District 97 to share this data has led to gaps in understanding of what works best for students,” Harmon said. “This law will help teachers, counselors and social workers meet the needs of the children they serve.”

The data to be shared can include basic academic and background information about students that is of relevance to their education.

“This data equity legislation, which aligns non-unit districts with the best practices of unit districts, will have a profound and lasting impact on the delivery of services to students in District 97, District 90, and District 200, as well as students statewide,” said Lou Anne Johannesson, a staff member of District 97. “We look forward to working with our partner districts on this issue as we continue working to deliver the best educational opportunities to our students.”  

Senate Bill 2434 is effective immediately.