lightford 061120MAYWOOD - In solidarity with protestors across the nation, Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) welcomed colleagues of the Caucus of Black Elected Officials to the Fred Hampton Aquatic Center Sunday.

“I have been that angry Black woman for 21 years, and I am not going to stop being that angry Black woman until we have access to resources,” Lightford said. “For those of us who have experienced institutional racism and sexism, do not give up. Do not give in. Do not feel oppressed. Find someone like Representative Welch, Clerk Karen Yarbrough or Mayor Thompson that will fight with you.”

The event was the fourth in a series of events that came together shortly after a weekend of unrest across Chicago that resulted in the looting of a number of local businesses. Lightford was joined by Gov. JB Pritzker, Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton, Senate President Don Harmon, Rep. Chris Welch, Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle, local mayors and trustees, and other West Suburban leaders.

“We are here in Maywood, a stop on the Underground Railroad 400 years ago as our ancestors sought freedom,” Stratton said. “And today, we are still seeking freedom.”

Those who attended received food, hand sanitizer, census information and other helpful resources. They also heard from legislators about the issues in the Western Suburbs and what changes they expect to see.

“There is not justice without police accountability. There is not justice without criminal justice reform. There is not justice without reversing the disinvestment and instead making significant investments in our Black communities,” Pritzker said.

Legislators continue to support peaceful protests as they work on an agenda that answers the call to action.