Sen. Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford

CHICAGO – Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford was one of three women to receive the prestigious Chicago Defender’s Vanguard Award for her 26 years of contributions of bettering the lives of the people of Illinois.

“Thank you to the Chicago Defender for this tremendous honor. To be recognized among such extraordinary women is truly humbling,” said Lightford (D-Maywood). “In reality, this isn’t my award. This award belongs to the Black girls who were seen but not heard. The Black girls who suffered trauma at the hands of a loved one. The Black girls who were told they couldn’t be all they could be.”

The Chicago Defender’s Women of Excellence Awards celebrates local African American women who inspire others through their vision and leadership, exceptional achievements, and participation in community service. They are women who exemplify extraordinary stature, poise and grace. These women do it all while maintaining the delicate balance of filling the roles of helpmate, mother, teacher and professional.

Lightford received the award Friday in front of nearly 1,000 people at the Chicago Defender’s annual “Women of Excellence Event.”

“As I accepted this prestigious award, I vowed to continue to show up at the table God has prepared – to make room for others, and to see, hear and feel,” said Lightford. “I’m truly honored – this timing is perfect and I will use it as my fuel to continue to press on.”