lightford 080524MAYWOOD – Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford is working to transform how Illinois funds its higher education system through newly-filed legislation that would take a student-centered approach. 

“Despite education’s paramount importance, the disparity in funding among higher educational institutions remains dreadfully evident,” said Lightford (D-Maywood). “This imbalance not only undermines the principle of equal opportunity but also hampers our collective progress as a society.”

Lightford was instrumental in creating the Commission on Equitable Public University Funding in 2021. Over the last two years, the 30-person commission studied if public institutions of higher education are in dire need of a new funding model when serving underrepresented and historically underserved student groups, including Black and Brown students, as well as students from low-income families.


The commission found on average, university systems in Illinois spend over double the amount on academic and student supports – the spending that most directly impacts student success – than at its less-resourced regional universities. Worse, these arbitrary and inequitable allocation decisions have compounded yearly due to a lack of equitable distribution.


In response, Lightford filed a measure to implement a student-centered, adequacy-based funding formula for Illinois’ public universities. Lightford’s measure is similar to Illinois’ evidence-based K-12 funding model, taking a parallel approach for higher education by outlining a formula that accounts not only for the size of institutions and the types of academic programs they offer, but also demographic factors such as socioeconomic, racial and geographic diversity.

Combined, these variables would be used to calculate adequacy targets, or the optimal amount of annual funding each institution needs to fully serve its students.

“By investing in education, we invest in our future, unlocking the potential of every individual and fostering a more equitable, innovative, and prosperous society for all,” said Lightford. “It is time for us to prioritize equitable funding for higher education institutions and ensure that every student has the opportunity to fulfil their potential.”

Lightford filed Senate Bill 3965 last week.