Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford

SPRINGFIELD -- Outraged by allegations brought forth by a recent WBEZ story about the possible cover up of a rape detailed in a state government email exchange, Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford urged that appropriate authorities, including the Champaign County State’s Attorney, the Illinois State Police, and the Illinois Executive Inspector General, take immediate steps to investigate this report.

The WBEZ story referenced a 2012 email to officials in then-Gov. Pat Quinn’s administration sent by lobbyist Michael McClain that among other things makes mention of a state employee who kept quiet about “the rape in Champaign”, asking that the administration keep that individual employed by the state.

Majority Leader Lightford issued the following statement regarding this incident:

“As a woman, a mother and a survivor of sexual assault I am sickened by the idea that anyone would infer that covering up rape should ever be interpreted as a form of loyalty. This is the type of behavior that keeps women and sexual assault survivors living in fear, and it can never be tolerated. Based on the revelations in this email, I know there is someone out there reliving their nightmare and awaiting justice for their assault. I want them to know they do not to be afraid any longer and I offer them my full support, assistance and compassion.”

Lightford also called on anyone with knowledge of this incident to contact the appropriate authorities, including:

If you have information please contact:

  • Champaign County State’s Attorney, 217-384-3733
  • Illinois State Police, 217-786-7107
  • Illinois Executive Inspector General, 217-558-5600 or 312-814-5600