

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Steve Stadelman announced that the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has awarded grants to 48 communities in need of lead service line replacements, including a $50,000 grant for the City of Rockford and $50,000 for the City of Belvidere.

“These funds will help communities identify the problems in their water systems and provide the knowledge of what needs fixed first,” said Stadelman (D-Rockford). “As we map out the service lines, our communities can figure out who needs help the most and which residents may be more at risk so we can act and fix the lines that need it most.”

The Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act requires owners and operators of community water supplies in Illinois to submit a complete water service line material inventory for the Illinois EPA’s approval no later than April 15, 2024. The complete inventory must report the composition of all service lines within the CWS’s distribution system.

The Lead Service Line Inventory Grant Program uses Illinois EPA Public Water Supply Loan Program funding generated from loan repayments. Illinois EPA conducted a review of all grant applications to determine priority and will fund 48 projects for a total of $2,000,000. Of the 48 funded projects, 40 are in areas with environmental justice concerns. Grantees may request supplemental funding in the form of a low-interest loan through the Illinois EPA’s PWSLP in conjunction with funding to replace lead service lines.

“Clean drinking water is a basic right that all humans need to live, with these funds we will ensure that our communities have the knowledge and ability to repair and replace these water lines.” Stadelman said.

Illinois EPA anticipates another funding opportunity will be announced in the coming weeks. Additional information on the program is available on the Illinois EPA website.
