stadelman 050422ROCKFORD – State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) is pleased to announce that the Four Rivers Sanitation Authority in Winnebago County will be receiving more than $20 million in water infrastructure funding.

“This investment toward our infrastructure is part of the state’s ongoing efforts to provide water safety and to protect our communities,” Stadelman said. “The funds will be used to improve and ensure our water treatment plant is operating in a clean and functional way.”

The funds come from the Illinois EPA's State Revolving Fund Program, which includes the Water Pollution Control Loan Program and the Public Water Supply Loan Program. These programs provide low-interest loans to fund wastewater, stormwater and drinking water projects.

The Four Rivers Sanitation Authority will use the funds to replace primary settling tanks, pumps, filters, and other equipment necessary to complete the project. This will help the sanitation authority comply with applicable regulations.

“These upgrades and replacements represent the steps Illinois is taking to protect our environment and the community as a whole,” Stadelman said. “I am happy to announce this project and the progress we are making in Winnebago County.”

Projects are funded throughout the state through the Rebuild Illinois program, and recipients will receive an interest rate of 1.11% for both wastewater and drinking water loans. Find more information about Illinois EPA’s SRF program here.