011724CM0065 Sims

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Elgie R. Sims, Jr. is leading efforts to ensure youth who commit non-violent crimes are given a second chance.

“Providing youth with the opportunity to develop positive behaviors should be the foundation of our efforts to prevent further crime and violence,” said Sims (D-Chicago). “Too often, young people veer off the path toward healthy adult lives because they aren’t provided the resources they need to stay on track.”

Under Sims’ measure, people under the age of 18 who committed a non-violent crime would be provided a number of resources, including employment opportunities, educational resources, parental mentorship training and more.

Additionally, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority would develop a mentorship initiative to provide the young people with counseling by a trained trauma therapist, as well as assistance with applying for SNAP and other public aid.

“Ensuring youth have the ability to succeed and move forward supports the development of their assets and resilience, leading them to better, healthier lives,” said Sims. “The support provided under Senate Bill 2535 will not only save young lives, but also prevent the onset of adult criminal careers.”

Senate Bill 2535 passed the Senate Special Committee on Criminal Law and Public Safety.