
CHICAGO – State Senator Elgie R. Sims, Jr. received the Illinois Outstanding Legislator of the Year award from the Illinois Parks Association.

“Parks are at the heart of our communities, where families and neighbors gather to grow, prosper, and make priceless memories,” said Sims (D-Chicago). “Bringing forth the concerns of our constituents and crafting policies that will make a meaningful impact to everyday problems faced by residents is our top priority as a legislative body."

The Illinois Association of Park Districts recognizes legislators for their exceptional support of legislation promoting park districts, forest preserves, recreation and conservation agencies across Illinois. Sims has been a longtime advocate for Illinois parks and is proud to continue to support park districts across Illinois through initiatives like the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development grant program.

“Parks throughout the 17th District and the state of Illinois are beloved by their communities, and I am always looking for ways to continue to improve them and the experiences our neighbors have while visiting them, while bringing residents the more accessible open spaces they want,” said Sims. “Maintaining our parks is a commitment to our communities and I will proudly continue to work with the IAPD to bring life to our parks and benefit residents across the state.”

For more information or to learn more about the Illinois Association of Park Districts, visit their website.
