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CHICAGO – State Senator Elgie R. Sims Jr. (D-Chicago) released the following statement after the nation’s top court overturned Roe v. Wade, stripping millions of women across the nation from their right to choose:

“Today is a devastating day for our country. Our worst fears are coming to pass as we see continued assaults on of our fundamental rights, all in an effort to forward a political agenda rooted in fear and opposed to progress. Although I’m not surprised by the ruling, I am speechless by the brazen way in which a fundamental right, the right to make one’s health care decisions, have been stripped away from women across our nation in support of a political agenda.

“While women in Illinois can take solace in knowing that our state respects their right to choose and has stood with them to protect this right, millions across our nation don’t have that same peace of mind. As a husband, father and community leader, this reality breaks my heart.

“We cannot and will not allow the assault on our fundamental rights to continue. Our very future is at stake. Let’s continue to uplift our voices, organizing and advocating to turn pain into progress.

“Our fight continues to ensure women’s rights and all of our fundamental rights are protected.” 
