george 5 042021SPRINGFIELD- Senator Elgie Sims, Jr. (D-Chicago) released the following statement following the guilty verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin: 

“Today, the jury got it right. It confirmed what the entire world watched in horror, George Floyd was murdered in broad daylight with complete disregard for his humanity by disgraced former officer Derek Chauvin.

While this is the verdict the evidence supported and we were hoping for, we should not be distracted from the fact that there is still more work to do to ensure our system of justice is fair and equitable for everyone.   

It is important to realize that it takes more than just convicting officers of police misconduct to achieve real equity and justice.

Police reform goes beyond only holding those accountable who misuse their power, it calls for us to reimagine public safety and improve the profession of policing.

We need systemic changes to our public safety systems and fundamental changes in how force is used, particularly against Blacks and other people of color.

While some are tempted to celebrate this moment, we must remember that the Floyd family lost their loved one because of the callous disregard of his life by someone who was supposed to protect and serve him.

Let us use this moment as fuel to fight for fundamental changes in our systems of public safety. I remain hopeful that today’s verdict will continue those authentic conversations that lead to policy changes resulting in equity and justice for everyone regardless of skin color, ethnicity, zip code or social class.

I believe we are headed in the right direction but the only way we will get to true equity and justice is if we go there together. 

Say his name…George Floyd!”