Sen. Elgie Sims Jr.

SPRINGFIELD— A plan sponsored by State Senator Elgie R. Sims Jr. (D-Chicago) that aims to help lower the alarming maternal death rate in Illinois was signed into law Friday.

The plan will create a Diversity in Health Care Professions Task Force in an effort to develop strategies that will lead to increasing the number of minority health care professionals in Illinois.

“It is important that the health care field is a diverse one, as diversity improves the quality of the services and care provided,” Sims said. “Our health care providers are providing good, quality services; however, many times the health care needs of women, particularly black women and other women of color, aren’t taken seriously until it’s too late. This new law will help diversify the field of physicians and other health care professionals to ensure these mothers receive sound medical advice and the highest quality of care.”

The bill requires the task force to prepare annual summary reports and recommendations to the governor and legislature starting Dec. 1, 2020.

House Bill 2896 takes effect on Jan. 1, 2020.