il supreme ct 071823CHICAGO – State Senator Robert Peters released the following statement in response to the Illinois Supreme Court’s ruling on the pretrial release portions of the SAFE-T Act:

“I am extremely proud that our state’s highest court is prioritizing public safety over wealth. This historic decision is the culmination of over a decade of organizing from countless grassroots organizations that deal directly with vulnerable communities in which cash bail has affected, including groups that support survivors of gender-based violence. I would like to take this opportunity to specifically thank the Coalition to End Money Bond, the State’s Attorneys Association, the Sheriff’s Association and survivor advocates for their assistance in getting pretrial fairness across the finish line.

“In the aftermath of this historical achievement, I expect there to be backlash and calls for the reinstatement of a cash bail system in response to controversial legal cases. Let me be clear: cash bail delegitimizes criminal justice systems and transforms them into systems that violate public safety instead of upholding it. Illinois will not go back. We will only move forward with our goal of ensuring public safety for all Illinoisans, regardless of their background or financial position.” 

Read more about the SAFE-T Act here.