011023CM0728 morrison


HIGHWOOD – State Senator Julie Morrison (D- Lake Forest) is urging current and former youth under the care of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services to apply for the 2023 DCFS Scholarship Program.

“Furthering education can open so many doors for children, especially our most vulnerable youth,” said Morrison, who has been a steadfast advocate for funding and resources for DCFS. “This scholarship opportunity can give students the tools they need to succeed in higher education, so I urge anyone who can to apply.”

The DCFS Scholarship Program is open to youth who have an open DCFS case, whose cases were closed through adoption or guardianship, or who aged out of care at 18 or older. Youth who are at least 16 years old and not yet 21 on March 31 may apply. The program will award 53 academic scholarships in total.

Scholarship recipients are selected based on their scholastic record, community and extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation and a written personal statement. Recipients will receive up to five consecutive years of tuition and academic fee waivers to be used at participating Illinois state community colleges and universities, a monthly grant of $1,506 to offset other expenses and a medical card.

“This scholarship can alleviate the stress many students feel when transitioning into college, and allow students to focus on their education instead of worrying about how they will be able to pay for school,” Morrison said.

Applications are due by March 31. More information and the application are available at any DCFS regional office and on the www2.illinois.gov/dcfs under DCFS Features on the homepage.

Students or caregivers may also call the DCFS Office of Education and Transition Services at 217-557-2689 with questions about the application process or for more information.
