Sen. Julie A. Morrison

SPRINGFIELD – House Bill 5418, passed by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) and signed into law Friday, will give children access to intervention and counseling services within the first 24 hours after removal from a home and require the DCFS division of child protection to assess a child’s wellbeing each month.

“Being removed from your home at a young age is an anguishing experience,” Morrison said. “We must provide these children with the support they need immediately.”

As youth in care grow older and the time comes for them to live on their own, this law requires DCFS to ensure they receive classes and instructions on independent living and self-sufficiency in the areas of employment, finances, meals and housing.

Further, under the measure, youth in DCFS care will be provided a document that describes inappropriate acts of affection, discipline and punishment by guardians, foster parents and foster siblings.

“By giving children an understanding of appropriate affection and discipline, we are ensuring they know which acts they should report and the treatment they deserve,” Morrison said.

The law was signed Friday.