morrison 050922CHICAGO – Nearly 100 businesses in the district State Senator Julie Morrison represents were awarded nearly $4.3 million in funding from the Back to Business program thanks to her advocacy and support.

“Small business owners in Lake and Cook County and throughout the state experienced unforeseen financial difficulties that will be challenging to bounce back from without help,” said Morrison (D-Lake Forest).

A total of $4.295 million was awarded to 90 businesses in the 29th District. The B2B grants are awarded by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity using funds allocated to them by the American Rescue Plan through last year’s state budget.

DCEO has provided $250 million in B2B grants – thanks to strong support from Morrison – to small businesses throughout the state, with an emphasis on hard hit sectors, such as hotels, restaurants, bars, barbershops and salons, and disproportionately impacted areas.

“Alleviating the financial burdens many small businesses face helps not only their companies, but also their employees and families,” Morrison said. “I am pleased we had the ability to provide this much-needed relief.”

With strong leadership from Morrison, the state has seen six Illinois’ General Obligation bond rating upgrades in the last year from all three of the nation’s primary credit rating agencies. Due to fiscal responsibility, the state saw an increase in funds available to assist small businesses.

Morrison urges small businesses to visit the DCEO website for additional resources or contact DCEO’s First Stop Business Information Center Services at 800-252-2923 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..