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HIGHWOOD – Thanks to State Senator Julie Morrison’s support of last year’s state budget, dozens of local businesses in the district she represents will receive more than $2 million in combined assistance to combat COVID-19-reated losses.

“Small business owners in Lake and Cook County and throughout the state experienced unforeseen financial difficulties that will be challenging to bounce back from without help,” said Morrison (D-Lake Forest). “While reopening has been beneficial to many businesses, they are still constantly facing financial obligations to keep their stores clean and employees protected.”

The B2B program grants are awarded by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity using funds allocated to them by the American Rescue Plan through last year’s state budget. So far – thanks to strong support from Morrison – DCEO has provided $111 million in B2B grants to nearly 3,000 small businesses throughout the state with an emphasis on disproportionately impacted areas.

In the district Morrison represents, more than 35 businesses were awarded grants ranging from $5,000 to $250,000 to help them cover the costs of safely staying open in these unpredictable times. Businesses ranged from fitness centers to hotels and more.

“Alleviating the financial burdens many small businesses face helps not only their companies, but also their employees and families,” Morrison said. “I am pleased we had the ability to provide this much-needed relief.”

Grants will continue to be awarded on a rolling basis. Visit the DCEO website for more information on the B2B program and view a full list of grantees here.
