
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) sponsored a resolution to create a commission tasked with changing the negative, and sometimes unethical, culture in Springfield that has taken over headlines.

“Legislators are elected to the Illinois General Assembly to be accountable to the residents of their districts and honorably represent them,” Senator Morrison said. “This commission should be a platform from which we develop and reform.”

House Joint Resolution 93 creates the Joint Commission on Ethics and Lobbying Reform to review and make recommendations for changes to a number of current statutes, including the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act and the Lobbyist Registration Act.

The commission will be made up of 16 members, appointed by the majority leaders, minority leaders, attorney general, secretary of state and governor. Members of the commission cannot be registered lobbyists in Illinois during their service or less than five years prior.

Under the resolution, the commission must hold public hearings and issue recommendations to the General Assembly and constitutional officers by March 31, 2020.

“Illinois residents expect credibility, trust, honor and accountability from their elected officials – and nothing less,” Senator Morrison said.