Sen. Julie A. Morrison

SPRINGFIELD – Two proposals passed by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) expanding the availability of anesthesia use in dental procedures for individuals with disabilities were signed into law recently by Gov. Pritzker.

“For individuals with a disability, routine dental procedures can be especially distressing,” Morrison said. “We want to ensure important dental work is being performed, however, as long-term serious health consequences can develop if left untreated.”

Morrison’s first proposal, contained in Senate Bill 111, increases the age of eligibility to receive anesthesia coverage for dental treatment for individuals with autism or a developmental disability. Under the new law, the age will increase from 19 to 26.

Morrison’s second proposal, contained in Senate Bill 1291, allows a dentist to perform procedures at an ambulatory surgical treatment center if a patient requires sedation beyond the training possessed by the dentist. The new law aims to expand where dental procedures requiring sedation can take place.

“We must continue working to break down barriers facing individuals with disabilities and other at-risk populations to ensure everyone has access to the health care they need,” Morrison said.

Senate Bill 111 was signed into law on Friday and takes effect on Jan. 1, 2020. Senate Bill 1291 was signed into law earlier this month and goes into effect immediately.