office worker

SPRINGFIELD – A proposal by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) aimed at increasing state employment of individuals with disabilities was signed into law on Friday by Gov. Pritzker.

“Having a job means having dignity, independence and purpose, regardless of whether or not an individual has a disability,” Morrison said. “The State of Illinois should be a leader in showing that individuals with disabilities are just as capable in the workplace and have a valued role in contributing to our state and our economy.”

The legislation requires the state to better facilitate the hiring of individuals with disabilities by requiring Central Management Services to send the Successful Disability Opportunities List to state agencies when they are hiring.

Morrison – who is chair of the Senate Human Services Committee and founder of the Special Needs Caucus – passed the measure to help break down the barriers to employment individuals with disabilities face.

Senate Bill 190 takes effect on Jan. 1, 2020.