pexels snapwire 618613JOLIET – State Senator Pat McGuire (D-Joliet) encourages businesses and nonprofit organizations to utilize state and federal economic assistance as a COVID-19 surge threatens Illinois residents and hospitals.

“We all must sacrifice to protect one another,” McGuire said. “The price of sacrifice varies. It costs next to nothing to don a mask, wash one’s hands frequently and maintain six feet of social distancing. But for impacted businesses and nonprofits, including bars and restaurants, the sacrifice is considerable. Yesterday 30 businesses and nonprofit groups in Senate District 43 were awarded state Business Interruption Grants ranging from $5,000 to $150,000. BIG funding is awarded on a rolling basis. It’s not too late to apply.”

Step-by-step guides to apply for state and federal economic assistance as well as unemployment insurance are available at McGuire's website at this link

McGuire has emailed the same information to District 43 chambers of commerce and local units of government. McGuire’s district office can be reached at (815) 207-4445 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..