Sen. Hastings

SPRINGFIELD – A new law may soon be on the books to help ensure insurance coverage for certain infertility treatments, thanks to State Senator Michael E. Hastings.

“My daughter was born via in vitro fertilization, so this is near and dear to my heart,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “It is truly unfortunate that individuals or families that are already facing heartbreak due to infertility complications are being forced to fight their insurance companies in order to start or expand their family. Not only that, but it is problematic when a doctor recommends a course of treatment that's beneficial to the family, that an insurance company has the ability to trump that doctor.”

Hastings filed Senate Bill 2639 in response to a constituent in his district whose physician had recommended that they seek in vitro fertilization treatment. However, when the constituent tried to access IVF care, they were told by their insurance provider that they had to complete other procedures before it would be covered by their insurance company, even with the recommendation of their licensed physician.

This measure will ensure that insurance companies will provide coverage for infertility treatments that are recommended by a physician without requiring them to complete treatments that were deemed ineffective by their doctor.

Senate Bill 2639 would also allow a licensed physician to immediately approve any of these procedures based on the covered patient's medical, sexual, and reproductive history, age, physical findings, or diagnostic testing.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, approximately 10% of couples receive medical help to become pregnant.

“Medical decisions should be made between a medical professional and patient – not by insurance companies,” said Hastings. “This legislation moves us one step closer toward ensuring insurance companies do not have the ability to deny infertility treatments prescribed by medical professionals.”

Senate Bill 2639 passed the Senate’s Insurance Committee on Tuesday and moves to the full Senate for consideration.