SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Michael E. Hastings is sponsoring a measure that would ensure schools have standardized plans and procedures in the event of a safety threat.
“Across the country we are seeing a rise in emergency events at schools,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “It is concerning to see that there is no standardized procedure for schools to follow if an emergency occurs.”
Senate Bill 2057 would require the State Board of Education to provide school districts with standards for a school district's threat assessment procedures. The bill would allow ISBE and the Office of the State Fire Marshall to create new rules that guide school districts, private schools, and first responders on how to develop threat assessment procedures, rapid entry response plans, and cardiac emergency response plans.
SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Michael E. Hastings announced his proposal for the creation of the Chicago Water Contracts Transparency Study, a critical initiative aimed at improving water sustainability and equity for the South Suburbs.
With many suburban municipalities over-relying on the City of Chicago for water access, Hastings is calling for a comprehensive study to assess current water distribution agreements, the impact of rising water rates, and explore alternative options for local control of water resources.
“Water sustainability may seem like a distant issue, but it’s only one or two generations away,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “In 50 years, my children will be addressing the public policy regarding water in our communities. We must act now to ensure that our water supply remains reliable, affordable, and fairly distributed for generations to come.”
FRANKFORT – Back-to-school season has kicked off, and State Senator Michael E. Hastings is reminding families they may be able to claim school expenses for their K-12 students on their 2024 Illinois individual income tax returns.
“As students head back to school, many parents feel it in their pocketbooks,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “School supplies can be expensive for families, and that’s why I encourage parents to save their receipts so they can have extra money in their pockets after tax season.”
The Hastings-led Illinois Education Expense Credit allows parents or legal guardians of a full-time K-12 student to take a 25% tax credit on qualified education expenses over $250 this year, up to $750 per household. Qualified educational expenses include tuition, book rental and lab fees in excess of $250 paid to the school where the student is enrolled on a full-time basis. For homeschooled students, book rental and lab fees greater than $250 are eligible when attending a qualified homeschool program.
Read more: Hastings reminds parents, teachers of educational tax credits
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Michael E. Hastings has paved the way for Illinois families to have greater access to medically-prescribed infertility treatments.
“Without in vitro fertilization, I wouldn’t be the proud father I am today,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “I have felt the all-too-common stress and heartbreak of infertility. It’s past time to take bureaucracy out of health care.”
Found within Senate Bill 773, Hastings championed a plan to ensure insurance companies provide coverage for infertility treatments that are recommended by a physician without requiring them to complete treatments that were deemed ineffective by their doctor.
Read more: Insurance to cover medically-recommended IVF thanks to Hastings
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois residents can now receive relief from noisy highway traffic, thanks to a new law sponsored by State Senator Michael E. Hastings.
“Our roads, bridges and highways generate economic development across our great state,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “However, at times this comes with noisy and uncomfortable consequences for our neighbors who live near these major roadways.”
The Hastings-led initiative will require the Illinois Department of Transportation to implement an expansion in their noise suppression program to give those who live near existing highways some relief.
Hastings championed Senate Bill 3175 in response to a number of noise complaints he was receiving from residents throughout the 19th Senate District.
Read more: Hastings measure to alleviate highway traffic noise now law
SPRINGFIELD – Illinoisans with a valid driver’s license or ID may soon be able to request a mobile version of identification from the Secretary of State, thanks to a measure championed by State Senator Michael E. Hastings.
“Embracing digital solutions is crucial for making state services more accessible and efficient,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “By allowing residents to carry a digital version of their driver’s license or ID card on their phone, we are streamlining daily activities that require identification, such as traffic stops and age verification.”
A key feature of Hasting’s measure is the requirement that mobile driver’s license and ID’s use an electronic credential system – such as a barcode system – to certify there is no requirement for individuals to surrender possession of their mobile device to the requesting party. This ensures that residents maintain control and privacy over their mobile devices at all times.
Read more: Hastings measure brings residents one step closer to obtaining mobile IDs
SPRINGFIELD – There may soon be a law on the books to provide vehicle owners with a defense against the rise in theft of catalytic convertors in Illinois thanks to efforts from State Senator Michael E. Hastings.
“This initiative provides vehicle owners with another line of defense to make it difficult for those stealing catalytic converters to sell and profit off the illegal sale of these parts,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “Undergoing the process of filing an insurance claim and replacing catalytic converters is an unnecessary burden on drivers.”
Hastings’ measure, House Bill 4589, would require recyclable metal dealers to keep records of the vehicle identification number of the vehicle from which the catalytic converter was removed and any numbers, bar codes, stickers, or other unique markings of the catalytic convertor.
It would also require them to obtain and retain a copy of the certificate of title or uniform invoice showing the seller's ownership of the vehicle in transactions involving catalytic convertors.
Read more: Hastings passes legislation to fight catalytic convertor theft
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois military families may soon have an easier time finding childcare, thanks to State Senator Michael E. Hastings.
“Our brave military personnel work tirelessly to keep our communities safe and it is imperative that they know their children are well taken care of at home,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “Removing red tape and streamlining the licensure process for our nation’s heroes will help speed up the licensure process for daycare homes serving these brave families.”
Hastings passed House Bill 5596, which would create an exemption from licensure for daycare homes and group daycare homes serving children of military personnel if the daycare is located on a military base or federal property and is certified as a child development program by a brand of the U.S. Department of Defense or the U.S Coast Guard.
Read more: Hastings works to ease childcare shortages for military families
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