Sen. Michael E. Hastings

SPRINGFIELD – With clean energy discussions at the top of the agenda in Springfield this legislative session, State Sen. Michael E. Hastings (D-Tinley Park) set the table this morning with the first public hearing to fully debate these complex issues.

“This morning we kicked off what is sure to be a long, thought provoking process as we decide where we need to improve our energy policy,” Hastings said. “Seeking solutions to these incredibly complex issues is going to take time and effort on the part of all stakeholders, and I’m thankful that they took the time to provide thoughtful testimony as we work to improve our energy efficiency across the state.”

In 2015, when Illinois passed the Future Energy Jobs Act, requirements were set forth to help make Illinois more clean energy dependent. Unfortunately these standards are not being met today.

“The purpose of these hearings is to hear from all parties so we can meet the standards and make informed decisions for a sustainable future,” Hastings said. “It’s becoming obvious that we need additional investment in solar and wind energy, and to prepare our infrastructure for more electric vehicles. Climate change is a very real threat to our way of life, and it’s crucial that Illinois take these steps to fight it.”

The next hearing of the Senate Energy and Public Utilities committee will be held in two weeks.