hastings 051022FRANKFORT – State Senator Michael E. Hastings is excited to announce that the Village of Frankfort is set to receive nearly $25,000 to preserve the intensive history of its downtown area.

Hastings (D-Frankfort) was pleased to find out that Frankfort is one of five state historic sites that are will receive funding for historic preservation projects through the National Park Services’ Historic Preservation Fund on Friday.

“These vital dollars will help the Village of Frankfort preserve and showcase the beautiful history of the South Suburbs,” Hastings said. “I look forward to seeing the great work the village does.”

The program is open to all 84 Certified Local Governments throughout Illinois with funds available to reimburse participating CLG communities for projects that focus on Surveys, Public Education, Planning, and National Register of Historic Places nominations.

The State Historic Preservation Office is planning another round of CLG grants in the fall of 2022. For information on how to apply, visit https://bit.ly/CLGgrants.