Hastings 4 19 22


CHICAGO – Families across the South Suburbs and the state will soon receive financial relief, thanks to a law championed by State Senator Michael E. Hastings.

Hastings (D-Frankfort) sponsored Senate Bill 157, a bipartisan financial relief package to provide Illinois residents with comprehensive assistance.

“This new law puts money back in the pockets of homeowners and families in the South Suburbs,” Hastings said. “We are slowly recovering from the most severe public health crisis that our state, country and world has seen in the last century. It is crucial that we prioritize families by providing them with much-needed and deserved relief to keep growing Illinois’ economy.”

To give consumers an economic boost for back-to-school shopping, Senate Bill 157 includes a state sales tax reduction on clothing, shoes and school supplies for 10 days in August. The sales tax would be lowered to 1.25% from 6.25% from Aug. 5 to Aug. 14.

Hastings’ plan also includes property tax relief checks of up to $300 and relief checks valued at $50 per person and $100 per child to state taxpayers making up to $200,000 individually or up to $400,000 jointly to be directly mailed to households. 

“We are giving Illinois families the freedom to choose how they wish to spend their money,” Hastings said. “Our hope is residents will shop, buy and think local and help us continue on the path toward economic growth and recovery.” 

Hastings also supported the passage of this year’s responsible, balanced and compassionate budget. During his time in the Senate, the state was able to pay down the bill backlog and received multiple credit rating upgrades.

“This year’s budget makes investments in our schools, community safety initiatives and attracting and supporting Illinois’ businesses,” Hastings said. “We must continue to work together to encourage fiscal stability and make continuous investments in the hardworking families of the fighting 19th district.”

The budget invests an additional $350 million into Illinois students’ success through the evidence-based funding model for K-12 education. Additionally, the budget allocates funding for three state police cadet classes, the largest in state history, to hire and train 300 new troopers to address the rising need of law enforcement officers across the state, particularly in the Chicago metropolitan area. This will be the largest cadet class in Illinois’ history.

The measures were signed into law on Tuesday.


