Senator Hastings 5/19

FRANKFORT – Additional improvements to South Suburban roads and bridges are set to commence in 2022 thanks to the bipartisan Rebuild Illinois program.

The plan, championed by State Senator Michael E. Hastings, will provide residents of the South Suburbs with faster commutes, safer intersections, and fewer potholes.

“When we passed the Rebuild Illinois program, we made the largest long-term infrastructure investment in the history of our state,” Hastings said. “It is thrilling to witness that investment in public safety and job creation begin to pay off.”

2022 will see the commencement of 13 projects totaling $70,948,000 in investments along I-57 and I-80, both of which traverse a large portion of the 19th District.

These projects are a part of IDOT’s Multi-Year Plan, which outlines $20.7 billion in statewide construction projects for the next six fiscal years through Rebuild Illinois. Of that total, $3.32 billion will be invested in statewide projects that begin in 2022, spurring the state’s COVID-19 recovery effort.

“In 2019, we could not have known how desperately our economy would need the stimulus a massive infrastructure program can provide,” Hastings said. “Rebuild Illinois is going to play a key role in our state’s recovery. Our people have the chance to find good paying, sustainable jobs that can lift them into prosperity after such a turbulent year.”

For a complete list of upcoming projects in the 19th District, visit IDOT’s website.
