airline empls 032421SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Michael E. Hastings (D-Frankfort) passed legislation through the Senate Labor Committee Wednesday that would expand sick leave options for airline employees.

“In Illinois, we understand that it’s unacceptable to force dedicated, hardworking people into a choice between paying their bills and caring for a loved one. Family comes first, always,” Hastings said. “Through this legislation, we reaffirm our commitment to fighting for working families.”

Hastings was inspired to lead the measure by two constituents, both who are flight attendants for Southwest Airlines. Corliss King’s husband was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease in 2017 and was hospitalized several times, receiving various surgeries that left him in need of care at home. Corliss was able to use her own accrued sick time to help care for her husband and children until 2017, when a law was passed that removed coverage for airline employees.

Susan Lyons has a similar story. When her brother, a single father, suffered a heart attack, was pronounced dead, and revived but in a stable coma, Susan was forced to take unpaid FMLA leave, rather than use any of the 300+ sick hours she had accrued on the job. She lost over a month of income during the time she was caring for her brother and his child.

Under Senate Bill 645, airline employees would be able to use earned sick time to care for sick family members.

“Airline workers in Illinois are often forced to choose between caring for a sick family member or earning their paycheck,” King said. “Even if a worker has sick days available for use for themselves, there is no requirement that companies allow these days to be used to care for other sick family members. We should not be forced to choose between our job and our loved ones, nor should we be subject to discipline simply because of a family emergency.”

This legislation now awaits consideration in the Senate.