Senator HastingsSPRINGFIELD – A measure spearheaded by State Senator Michael E. Hastings (D-Frankfort) that would sufficiently honor members of the Illinois National Guard in death passed the Senate Veterans Affairs committee Tuesday.

“The presentation of a flag, whether it’s a state flag or the American flag, to the families of fallen soldiers is a crucial tradition that dates back centuries,” Hastings said. “No soldier’s life should go unrecognized, so I am pleased my colleagues on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee saw fit to extend this privilege to more of our state’s fallen National Guardsmen and women.”

Under current law, members of the Illinois National Guard serving on federal duty or training status are to have a state flag presented to their next of kin upon their death, should they die while serving. Senate Bill 505 adds State Active Duty to this provision, ensuring that all who lose their lives in service of their state and country are properly memorialized.

“Those men and women who serve our state and country honorably and pay the ultimate price for those causes are worthy of the highest form of recognition,” Hastings said. “This change to the current law is a gesture that will make a massive difference to the loved ones of our fallen heroes.”
This legislation will now be considered before the full Senate.