hastings 020821SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Michael E. Hastings (D-Frankfort) will continue to serve on Senate President Don Harmon’s leadership team as Majority Caucus Whip during the 102nd General Assembly.

“I am deeply humbled President Harmon has given me the distinct honor of continuing to serve on his leadership team,” Hastings said. “While our state faces challenges not seen in generations, I have no doubt that under his leadership we will implement creative solutions that give our people the relief they deserve in an effective, bipartisan manner.”

Hastings was appointed to Senate President Harmon’s leadership team to serve as Majority Caucus Whip in 2020. In this role, Hastings works closely with fellow caucus members on policy issues and offers advice on their respective legislative agendas. Hastings will also continue to serve as chair of the Senate Public Utilities and Energy Committee.

“We have our work cut out for us in 2021,” Hastings said. “In addition to providing our communities with the tools necessary for an effective and efficient COVID-19 response, we need to consider solutions that secure the future of clean energy in Illinois. That starts with investing in existing infrastructure and preserving the good-paying jobs in our communities.”

In the coming months, Hastings hopes to help foster bipartisan collaboration on key issues, including equitable clean energy solutions, implementing ethics reform to restore the public’s trust in government, and increasing support for small businesses and families struggling during the pandemic.

Hastings has served the 19th Legislative District since 2012, when he was elected as one of the youngest Senators in state history. Since then, he has worked tirelessly to pass legislation with the goal of improving the social and financial climate of the state of Illinois.