GlowiakSPRINGFIELD – In an effort to make medication more accessible to Illinoisans, State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton is leading an initiative to prohibit pharmacists from refusing to fill a written prescription.

“If your doctor writes a prescription for medication you need, you should not be refused at your local pharmacy,” said Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs). “All residents should be able to access their medication regardless of how the prescription is sent to the pharmacy.”

In response to the opioid epidemic, legislators in Illinois passed a law in 2021 requiring prescriptions of controlled substances to be sent electronically. However, some pharmacists are now refusing to fill non-electronic prescriptions despite exceptions to the current law. House Bill 4874 would prohibit a pharmacist from refusing to fill a paper or non-electronic prescription.

“Denying someone a prescribed medication could cost them their life,” said Glowiak Hilton. “No one should have to face unnecessary barriers to get the medication they need.”

House Bill 4874 passed the Senate Licensed Activities Committee on Wednesday and heads to the full Senate for further consideration.