glowiak 042221 3OAKBROOK TERRACE – Moody’s Investor Services has upgraded Illinois’ General Obligation bond rating for the first time in more than 20 years, and State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs) is crediting the General Assembly’s work to get the state to this point. 

“Moody’s upgrade indicates our state is making responsible budgetary decisions—it should give Illinois taxpayers a sense of relief,” Glowiak Hilton said. “By enacting balanced budgets and prioritizing fiscal stability in recent years, we’ve put Illinois on a path to a brighter future.”

Moody’s Investors Services, one of the nation’s primary credit rating agencies, recently upgraded Illinois’ General Obligation bonds a step closer to the top rating. The upgrade signals a more stable outlook for Illinois’ economy, meaning state borrowing will cost less, which will in turn save taxpayers money.

The analysis highlighted the Fiscal Year 2022 budget for the upgrade. Moody’s stated increased pension contributions, repayment of emergency Federal Reserve borrowings, and constrained use of federal aid from the American Rescue Plan Act are to thank for the increased rating. 

This is the second positive rating action for Illinois in a week, following an outlook improvement from Fitch.