Sen. Suzy Glowiak Hilton

OAKBROOK TERRACE – Illinois consumers will now have stronger notification laws surrounding cybersecurity breaches, thanks to Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton.

Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs) championed a new law that will require companies to notify Illinois consumers of cybersecurity breaches and compromised personal data sooner. Senate Bill 1624 was signed into law last week.

“Illinois residents go online every day to complete simple tasks, from paying their water bills to checking their bank balances,” Glowiak Hilton said. “In the event that a company experiences a security breach, residents should be notified in order to take proper precautions. We need that assurance in an age where we carry all our most sensitive data in our pockets at all times.”

Senate Bill 1624, will require companies that hold Illinois residents’ personal information to report data breaches which affect more than 500 Illinois residents to the Attorney General as soon as possible.

The new bipartisan law will allow the Attorney General to publish breach notices, ensuring the information is easily and promptly accessible to residents who may need to take steps to protect themselves.

Previously, if there is a data breach that compromises Illinois residents’ personal information, the company is required to notify the residents, but there is not yet a mechanism in place to ensure compliance.

“Empowering the Illinois Attorney General to step in on behalf of consumers will help ensure there are protections in place during these unfortunate events and give them enough notice to make sound decisions,” Glowiak Hilton said. “As the way we use technology changes, laws should change as well. Illinois residents’ rights need to be protected in the 21st Century.”

Senate Bill 1624 goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2020.